Mark Williams

‘On Guard’

‘On Guard’ Or as the French say: ‘En-garde.’ It’s said by the referee at the beginning of a fencing match. The expression signals the participants to be on the alert, the combat is about to begin. Watch out, your opponent is about to attack. In the military when the troops hear the crisp announcement: ‘attention,’ …

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The Big Bang

The Big Bang …everything that we think we know about ourselves and our world must be examined in the light of the Gospel. As Americans we’ve been taught to think in certain ways since the time that we were old enough to speak. As Christians we need to ask ourselves if what we’ve been told …

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Who Are You?

Who Are You? That’s what a hookah-smoking caterpillar asked Alice when she was wondering through Wonderland. She was being guided along the way by a Cheshire cat who often appeared to be out of his mind sporting a big maniacal grin on his face. At least that’s the way Walt Disney depicted it. Apparently, the …

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Run for Cover

Run for Cover What do you do when you hear that? Probably depends on the circumstances. If you’re outside and it’s starting to rain, you look for a place to stay dry. But if you’re on a battlefield you might drop to the ground and look for a place to stay alive. Cover can mean …

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Still Enjoying Time Off

Still Enjoying Some Down-Time I’m taking a couple more weeks off, with the next post scheduled for August 23. I hope for God’s blessings on all who are reading this blog and look forward to a continuing correspondence with you. Bless the name of the Lord!

Time for a Break Again

Time for a Break Again I’m taking a couple of weeks off, with the next post scheduled for August 9. I hope for God’s blessings on all who are reading this blog and look forward to a continuing correspondence with you. Bless the name of the Lord!

Going for It!

Going for It!   I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13) What are you going for in your life? Is that a question you ask, or do you just go with the flow? It’s the case that we’re all part of something …

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Full Metal Jacket

Full Metal Jacket What’s the first thing you think of when you hear that phrase? Maybe you remember the movie about the Vietnam War directed by Stanley Kubrick. The phrase is actually the name of a type of bullet that has a hard shell surrounding a softer lead core. The jacket enables the bullet to …

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Lovey Dovey

Lovey Dovey The Bible speaks a lot about love. The two most significant commandments, according to first century Judaism, were to love the Lord God and to love your neighbor. And, of course the establishment of these “laws” was first indicated in the Mosaic covenant of the Old Testament. Then with the advent of Jesus, …

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