Exploring the Kingdom

Who Are You?

Who Are You? That’s what a hookah-smoking caterpillar asked Alice when she was wondering through Wonderland. She was being guided along the way by a Cheshire cat who often appeared to be out of his mind sporting a big maniacal grin on his face. At least that’s the way Walt Disney depicted it. Apparently, the …

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Going for It!

Going for It!   I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 3:13) What are you going for in your life? Is that a question you ask, or do you just go with the flow? It’s the case that we’re all part of something …

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Lovey Dovey

Lovey Dovey The Bible speaks a lot about love. The two most significant commandments, according to first century Judaism, were to love the Lord God and to love your neighbor. And, of course the establishment of these “laws” was first indicated in the Mosaic covenant of the Old Testament. Then with the advent of Jesus, …

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Lost in Space

Lost in Space   That’s the title of an old television show about a family being shipwrecked on a deserted planet, sort of a modern Robinson Crusoe. In a way we’re all operating on our own planets, shipwrecked within ourselves, seeking by various means to connect with others. It’s the case, isn’t it, that it’s …

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The Highest Virtue

The Highest Virtue I remember watching a film in college about aboriginal people somewhere in South America or Africa. Apparently they were completely cut off from “civilized” society and had their own value system, a system that was strange indeed. They were cannibals, which I had heard of before, but what was really interesting was …

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I pledge allegiance…

I pledge allegiance… We’ve mentioned in the past that the fundamental predicament of the human condition is isolation. We’re alone; we’ve been alone since we were estranged from God and driven out of the Garden. That’s the predicament, and in response to that we attempt to overcome that isolation by adhering to someone, or something, …

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The Fourth Word

The Fourth Word I don’t know what I’m talking about, but I’m talking. It’s probable that this discussion will annoy a lot of people; I know this because it annoys me. But it needs to be considered. Not everyone will come to the same conclusions, but all of us need to think about this. It …

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Time for a Break

Time for a Break I’m taking a couple of weeks off, with the next post scheduled for January 12. I hope for God’s blessings on all who are reading this blog and look forward to a continuing correspondence with you. Bless the name of the Lord!

‘Tis the Season

It’s that time of year again; anticipated since Halloween, inaugurated at Thanksgiving; and now it’s upon us: Christmas time! It’s a great time to celebrate, to entertain, to relax, sort of; to engage in the great American pastime: to shop!

We All Got It Comin’

That’s a line from a movie; a Western to be specific. And the remark was made by an older man in response to his younger partner. They’d both been involved in the killing of a man who had disfigured a prostitute.