
What’s the first thing you think of when you hear that word? Although the term can apply to various things, most people think of the pyramid monuments in Egypt: massive stone structures that were built to glorify the Pharaohs of the ancient world. They’re fascinating to see and the more we learn of them the more fascinating they become. They were built perhaps 4,000 years ago and they represent a monumental effort in an era that didn’t have the modern machinery that’s used today to build such large structures. No heavy machinery powered by combustion engines. No computer technology to assist in their design and manufacturing. No air-conditioned refuge for workers to recover from the tremendous work involved in building these colossal memorials to ancient wisdom and understanding. Although there are various estimates, it’s thought that many thousands of man-hours were required in an effort that took decades to complete. All in an effort to honor a small and very privileged class of people: the pharaohs and their entourage. The structures were often oriented according to the position and movement of the stars in the night sky. And their symbolism was derived from an ancient understanding of the created order and its significance. It was an amazing feat of the ancient world.

Another use for the term refers to a version of financial treachery. In a pyramid scheme investments are solicited from clients through the promise of financial gain. However, the primary means for securing profits in this scheme is through the enlistment of additional clients. As the body of investors grows their contributions provide a resource for paying dividends to those who had invested previously. And as long as the number of investors keeps increasing the true nature of the enterprise is not apparent. The investment money is not being used to secure money-making endeavors of substance; it’s being used to give the appearance of financial gain while those who are overseeing the ruse are actually pocketing the bulk of the investments. The term “pyramid” is applied because the rank and file at the bottom is supporting the select few overseeing the scam. Perhaps the most “effective” ploy of this type was orchestrated by Bernard Madoff who had previously been the Nasdaq chairmen. Through the efforts of Madoff and his colleagues many billions of dollars were absconded from his investors before he was eventually caught and sent to prison. The combination of Madoff’s reputation and the desire for gain among his investors allowed the ruse to reach “monumental” proportions.

Such an endeavor involves a pyramid of participants rather than a pyramid of stones. Another example of a pyramid involves a complexity of ideas that constitute something that employs a variety of elements. That may sound abstract, but it’s the case that some things are complex enough that in order to understand the whole we need to understand both the individual parts and how those parts work together to make the whole system function. The example I’m thinking of here is based on an experience I had when I was learning to be an aircraft mechanic in college. We were in what was termed an engine lab in which we received instruction and applied that instruction by working on real aircraft engines that were mounted on engine stands in a large garage. In this case we were discussing the procedure for valve adjustments. I won’t get too technical here, but a discussion was engaged concerning whether the valves were adjusted when the engine was hot or cold. Metal expands when heated so it was an important question. There were four of us and an instructor engaging the discussion. It wasn’t enough to simply say hot or cold, we needed to explain why the adjustment was made at the temperature we indicated. Each of us took turns answering the question and explaining how the different parts involved were affected by the temperature of the engine. As it turned out I answered the question one way, and the other three students gave the opposite answer. The discussion continued as we tried to convince each other that their answer was correct; the instructor never said anything. It became obvious that neither side would change their answer. Finally, the instructor walked up to the blackboard and started to draw a triangle. He did it piece by piece starting with the point and adding subsequent layers of blocks. As he did this he discussed how ideas affect each other. You start with one idea and add to that idea other ideas that, together, provide an understanding of something complex that embodies these ideas. As he did this the picture that was emerging became obvious. It was a pyramid. The problem was the pyramid that he drew was upside down, resting on its point. Obviously a structure designed in this manner would be radically unstable. And the nature of this instability could be applied to a collection of ideas that together established an understanding of something complex like an aircraft engine. This meant that if you started out with a wrong idea then applied other ideas that were true in themselves, you still ended up with a false understanding of the whole. As it turned out I was the one who was correct in regard to performing a valve adjustment on this engine. The other students were correct in much of what they said, but they started out with a wrong premise and were incorrect in their evaluation.

In some respects, modern culture still attempts an endeavor that reflects features of the ancient Egyptians in their building of the pyramids. The space program now engaged by a variety of countries throughout the world is another monumental effort to reach out beyond this earth in order to discover and utilize what resources may be found. The Apollo program specifically reflected an effort akin to that of the ancient Egyptians, employing hundreds of thousands of people for more than a decade. It’s also the case that many look to space exploration to provide insight into the nature of human existence. The concrete element that involves the development and utilization of technology is the latest effort to discover how the environment we live in can enhance our lives, and to better understand those forces at work in the universe that define our existence. And the overwhelming impact of technology starting with the invention of the wheel has provided continuing hope for something better to be gained for all, something that the ancient Egyptians also sought to insure in their building program. However, their effort was informed by a supernatural understanding of reality whereas modern exploration seeks to find answers that would allow for the manipulation of our “naturally” occurring existence.

In the modern world the supernatural element is often denied or diminished in importance. That’s where serious Christians need to distinguish themselves. If we’re looking to human endeavor as a means of securing our fate, then we’re missing the point. We can enjoy the benefits of modern technology, but our true fortune lies in our “old fashion” religion. And that needs to be secured in a manner that reflects a sound basis for what we believe. This is where another pyramid of ideas comes into play. A solid foundation for our understanding of the Gospel needs to be established. And it’s not enough to say that that foundation should be derived from the Word of God. The Bible is the source of our foundation, but that foundation needs to be laid in such a way that it will support and secure what is built upon it. Otherwise, it becomes something that will crumble and fall. What does the Bible provide as a foundation for our understanding of ourselves and world in which we live? This is a question that needs to be carefully considered. We can use the Bible in a variety of ways, or perhaps derive from the Bible a variety of ideas that can be used to establish an understanding of who we are. How we assemble those ideas and the manner in which they are used determines the stability of the structure that we establish. And it is essential that we assemble that structure properly! The ancient pyramids of Egypt were not just thrown together like a pile of blocks, they were designed and assembled with care, and sometimes the effort failed because of poor planning that resulted in the collapse of the monument.

Think about the different ways in which the Bible is utilized in the modern world. Practicing Jews utilize the Old Testament along with the teachings of important rabbis. Mormons utilize the Old and New Testaments of the Bible along with other resources including the Book of Mormon. The Catholic Church recognizes the authority of the Old and New Testaments, but also supplements biblical authority with the teachings of the Church rendered through the College of Cardinals. Evangelicals, generally speaking, view the Bible as the only true authority with regard to the Christian Faith, although I don’t deny that there are many Catholics who embrace the basic teachings of evangelical Christianity. My appeal however is to promote a proper evangelical use of, and emphasis on, the scripture. We need to establish our understanding and practice of the Faith properly. It takes a certain resolve to do this. Assembling a few ideas that we’ve heard from the pulpit or derived from a casual reading of the Bible won’t provide for a stable structure that can withstand the pressures that the world places on us. Cherry-picking a few notable verses and using them as a basis for our understanding of God is precarious and can lead to an unexpected collapse when pressure is applied. “Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so” is a starting point but it can’t really be built upon. And if we’re not paying attention and doing the hard work to establish a solid foundation for a proper understanding and practice of the Faith we may end up building a structure that will collapse when enough pressure is applied. Remember the admonition of Paul to the Philippians:

So then my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure. Do all things without grumbling or disputing; so that you will prove yourselves to be blameless and innocent, children of God above reproach in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you appear as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain. (Philippians 2: 12-16)

God’s blessings as you labor in this endeavor.